Wednesday, August 23, 2006

You Look Like…

This is a question that I’m sure we all have been asked, “Has anyone ever told you that you look exactly like…” Well, it seems that I have had more than my share of this phenomenon. I am truly amazed at the bravado some people share with me about the absolute positive identification they perceive. Many people would only call me by the “name” they thought that I looked like, only after they determined that I would not be offended. One such event occurred while I worked at Mervyn's during my college years. This customer came in weekly and called me “John Ritter” the entire four straight years! A fellow dancer called me “Gentle Ben” for years and my father-in law called me Clint Eastwood.

Recently, in Vancouver, a classmate told me that, “You must have heard this a million times,” that you look exactly like Russell Crowe, actually a first for me. So, as you look at this series of photos, just remember that these are actual photos of the people who I have been told I look like.

If you really stare at the group of people above, you will notice several striking similarities. The major one is the massive foreheads, indicating intelligence I’m assuming.

I like playing this game too; I believe that Joe Boyd could play the life story of Hugh Jackman, Tommy Peterson has a young Jim Nabors thing going on and Jim Nyberg is Tom Cruise (my daughter actually told me this). So, let this be a springboard to your imagination as we try to mix and match celebrity faces to our community. Let the games begin. I’ll be happy to provide proof of the good ones.


Cheryl said...

Doug Citizen- bald with wire rimmed glasses-Anthony Edwards.

tommy said...

My self esteem is skyrocketing so high right now. Thank you. Who do i look like?...Matt Damon..No...Brad Pitt...not so much. Jim Nabors?..YES!!!

doug said...

I also look like mathew perry


doug said...

Cheryl just said Tommy looks like Legolas from TLOTR. Hows that for a self esteem builder, I look like the guy from revenge of the nerds, and my friend looks like Orlando bloom.

Gregg Stokes said...

Michael Keaton, John Ritter, Clint Eastwood, Russell Crow, Me, Clint Howard, Michael Moriarty, Billy Crystal, Ed Harris