Monday, January 20, 2025

Found this post 01-20-25 so let's publish it. Unedited. 

41 Day Fix 

The Powderhorn Condo Remodel Project Summer 2016

This could have been a simple remodel story, but it is much, much more. It is a journey into the quagmire of finding local tradesmen and managing a remodel project in the exotic foreign city of Boulder Colorado. You guessed it, I don't live in Boulder so the logistics of this project become ten times the stress level from day one. And on top of that...I'm particular, but aren't we all.

Long story short. We bought a 2b1b Condo in Boulder Colorado. Actually in an area called "Gunbarrel" eight miles from downtown Boulder. My oldest child will live there while a student and then it will become a rental. It is in a development called Powderhorn so for the rest of this story it shall be named Powderhorn, smote it be.

The home inspector Darwin found some water damage behind the tiles in the bathroom and the hot water heater needed replacing. We negotiated the cost of repairing those items in the purchase so they became priority number one. Just so you know, I hate anything to do with water leaking and being on the third floor you have to run a tidy ship.

But as it were, the rest of Powderhorn needed updating also. IT was live in ready and we said that we would just freshen it know...paint the cabinets...put in new tile in the shower. Easy peasy. But somehow one thing lead to another and our plans changed...and got bigger...much, much bigger.

IKEA Kitchen:The Design Couple

You know, we need more cabinet space in the kitchen, so let's take out the soffits and who really wants to paint the cabinets...and that old dishwasher has to go and the microwave is awful and those counter-tops, and sink and stove and fridge...ick.....fuck it....let's just do an IKEA kitchen. 

We started to dream about what to do and made a pilgrimage to IKEA in Sacramento. We talked to one of the kitchen designers asks she asks us how close Boulder is to the Centennial store? She says "Does IKEA deliver all the way to Boulder?" "IKEA only delivers 40 miles away"...I discovered our condo is 46.3 miles will have to call the Centennial store. 

Don't ever call an IKEA store...they never answer. 

Yet somehow when I searched for this information, "The Design Couple" website came up. It's pretty self explanatory but they are a couple, that designs Ikea kitchens and they live in Denver. They measure, they design, they even shop for you. We went for it. I mean how hard could it be to design a kitchen that is 10ft long by 8ft wide? I found out.

Lindsay was great. After several weeks of back-and-forths, she came up with a Plan A which was an "in-kind" duplicate design of the existing kitchen and an alternative design Plan B that would only work if we replaced the 45 degree angled pantry and squared off the wall. The both cost the same except one was OK and the other was awesome.

Plan B: The Little Corner that Couldn't

The Bermuda Triangle Pantry and the Nevada-Shaped Bathroom Counter had to go. 

There is a reason that triangles are NOT good for storage...they don't store shit. There was also a side effect of the triangle pantry, it created the worlds most awkward bathroom sink counter. 

A simple shift fixed both problems. If we square off the wall we can loose that horrible corner in the bathroom and get floor to ceiling pantry.

So let's do long as is isn't weight barring. 

Friend of my Friend

Meet Susie. She was my realtor. She is awesome. She sent me her list of contractors, handymen and others. Referrals are the only way I like to find tradesmen, it gives me a great opening line when I start a conversation.

 "Hi, my name is Gregg and Susie Donahue gave me your contact information...I'd like you to do some _________ at my condo." "Oh, you are super busy and can't help me?" "Can you recommend anyone?" "No? you don't give the past your referrals have fucked up the work and now you just don't do it." 

#respect your honesty.

Popcorn Out!

Like shoulder pads from the 1980s, the ceiling was dated and made the space look old and dreary. We needed to find someone to remove the popcorn ceiling and paint this old bird. 

We met the Decheen Dorjee the painter (a referral from Susie) and agreed on a price to remove the popcorn ceiling, paint and remove/repair the soffits in the kitchen. Decheen works hard to earn your says so on his business card.

For the next ten glorious days Decheen, Llamo (Tibetian Monk older brother) Tsewan (younger brother) climbed, scrapped and smeared mud and paint all over the condo. The popcorn ceiling was particularly difficult to remove as Decheen explained to me it had been sprayed over with a shellac or was shinny...yet another reason I HATED IT...Our handyman Dean (who you will meet later) said that it might be shinny because it had asbestos in it and back in the day, the quick fix was to seal it in. Needless to say, I didn't visit much during while they removed it.

During the soffit removal an electrical wire needed to be extended because it stretched across that open space...and it had to happen that day. I called around and I could not get an electrician until the following week...but surprise...Decheen knew an electrician that he had met on a recent job and he just happened to be free..that night. 

Electric Mike

This guy Mike was young fast and a super electrician. That very night, he caught onto my vision for the space with no need to explain twice and offered some options that I had not had time to think of. . Ressessed lighting? Yes. Plug above mantle for flat screen TV? Yes. Then it hit me...An electrician has been beamed into my Powderhorn and I need stuff done...and I'm an what am I waiting for....So let's replace every plug and switch and can you put up my new ceiling fans, light in the shower, new bathroom fan...and so on and on and on...yes, yes, yes. Cha-ching.

Mike was a God send. He dropped in, was eager to make some side money and knew his practice. And he loved to text (a strategic advantage if I every knew one) I called my wife told her that we had been saved...our electric Mike was good fast and eager and the out of the blue she asked... if he was licensed? I said I think so...he had one of those cool electrician screwdrivers. I mean...was our painter licensed? I suspect that you should at least have a licensed electrician and plumber...I said I'd ask. 

The next day I texted him...."Hey Mike, my WIFE wants to know if you are a licensed electrician?" Mike said, " Dubai!" close enough.

Demo Duty - I hauled it all away...dumpster heaven.
Did I mention that I was on the third floor of a condo with no elevator? And no one wanted to haul away any of the demo debris or walk up the stairs for that matter. But I did. Thousands of times. I got strong legs. 

Plumber bummer. 
Good lord plumbers are the worst. 

Home for a week. 
And onto the next 20. 

Delivery Deliverance
So finally my delivery of the entire Ikea kitchen was coming. I glanced out the window and saw the truck round the corner and park. I walked down and escorted the two guys up to look at the space I had cleared for the delivery. A whole kitchen is a lot of boxes. And Ikea as you remember is FLAT pack. And I got appliances...the Dishwasher, Oven, Stove, Microwave. 

So the two guys come up and look around and say. "We can deliver to the third floor." I said, "What?" I have installers coming tomorrow based on today being the delivery day. "We were never told it was up three floors." "What?" "I told IKEA!" They called their 'boss' and told me tough shit reschedule. I was at a loss for words. I waited up stairs for a few minutes, my brain spinning and then ran down to beg them. I offered them $200 just to do the damn delivery. The older guy went into the truck and talked to the young guy and came back with....$250. I also said that I would help them. 

So we trudged all the items up into the condo and I had to go to the bank and get cash to pay them and they departed. I was fucking pissed. I called IKEA and complained and told them about what I deemed extortion and they refunded me what I paid the drivers and called the delivery service to give them a tongue lashing. The IKEA delivery contract specifically allows for third floor deliveries. 

Then to make matters worse the delivery guy called me, harassed me and was pissed that I had ratted him out. I was kind of nervous that he knew my address, had my phone number and could hold a grudge, but I stood firm and let him know that what he did was unacceptable. I told him I would talk to HIS boss and let him know that they were...kind enough to take a bribe to do the job they should have done in the first place. Fuck them. 

Pompian Construction
These guys are IKEA kitchen installers. They really do a fantastic job and were recommended by our Design Couple. They showed up and started opening the massive stack of boxes and began the arduous task of putting together all of that IKEA stuff. 

My unexpected learning lesson for these guys is that. They don't 'set' appliances or range hoods...just the fancy particle board stuff for them. I figured they were soup to nuts, but on hind sight it's probably best to get appliance installers know...install appliances. Even though they are built-in??? 


Pergo Pergatory - Happy Birthday 57 cases
I got a good deal, but I had to wait for it. Home depot had a return of just about enough cases of high-end Pergo. I needed 57. They had 56. 

If you look at IKEA they have NO disposals under their pull out sink cabinets. Why? Because they don't work with them. But they will not tell you that. You find that out when the plumber is installing the garbage disposal. So you have to improvise and hack the shit out of a cabinet. Like I did. 

Dean Carpenter the Carpenter
You can't make that up

Like tiling a soccer ball.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Measure Twice, Cut Once.

Social media is a game where you choose to participate. No one forces you to share your soul. You share your junk,on a variety of platforms,to friends, acquaintances and the general public. You share reviews of products, thoughts on politics and links to websites that interest you. Personally, I am a ranter. I see what I consider an injustice and I let it all out...most probably in 140 characters or less on twitter with a hash tag or two. I also post things that are beautiful to me.

What I've noticed lately is exposing yourself on social media can give you insights into people that perhaps best should have remained hidden. Too many of my friends and family let their freak show shine and it's all I can do not to hurl. From the 'patriots' and Obama haters to serial over-posters, I have discovered way too much about people I genuinely care about. And I'm sad to say, it has changed my opinion of them. How could it not.

What once was kept in the privacy of your own mind grapes is now willingly exposed for the world to see and judge. And boy do I judge. Oh yes, you did post that...and my jaw dropped. How could sweet gentle Suzy think that? How could Jim really believe that? Who is going to tell them, who is going to show them their folly? Who? Me that's who.

I am not innocent in this matter, I too have been lured into the narcissistic belief that my postings could change opinions and I hope I have not offended anyone. I sincerely try to not start any posts that could betray who I am, but by my comments on other peoples posts it becomes very obvious who I am.

I can go weeks with out commenting on peoples posts but it just builds and builds and I have to let them know that they are fucking full of it. How could they possibly really believe that. It is like watching a gorilla throw shit at a crowd and not saying anything. I cannot in good faith allow them to live in their delusional world a moment longer, I have to call them out.

I've been in link wars, I've shared my story, I've argued with reason and logic, but you cannot change people. We are now more polarized than ever and my reaction plays neatly into that narrative. They know it pisses off somebody so they just do it. They pathologically post and I pathologically's a marriage made in hell.

The more open we are the more closed off we become. We live in an American where nobody and I mean nobody likes to be told what to do. We collectively force each-other out instead of drawing each-other into a conversation. We talk at each other instead of to each other. Information has replaced conversation.

This is a bit of a confession. It's about me. This is my problem to work out and I have to put the effort into it dealing with it. So if I comment on your posts and it seems I am questioning who you are and what you believe, you are probably right. I only hope I do it out of love, I hope that my comments can start a conversation that doesn't' just become a purging of my anger. I hope I measure twice and cut once. Pray for me.

Friday, May 03, 2013

Twitter Mind vs. Blogger Mind...

Having just tweeted my 1065th tweet, I am finding this one-hundred and forty character, compressed thought process, has infiltrated my career.

Try as I might, I bounce from project to project with nary the time to engage in the kind of in-depth thought process required to really make a creative difference. Yes, I produce, I produce a lot. But the bursts of creativity are short, succinct and sweet.

My creativity has not suffered, it just the difference between opera and rap. One sustains the notes to historic heights, the other like a wood pecker hitting a tree. Both beautiful, but not restful.

So as I reflect upon this, I hope that less time than a year passes before I sense the urge to blog. The urge to let it all hang out (past 140 characters)....whew...time exhausted. Wait, what was that shinny object...see you  later.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New Social - New Normal

As if my who am I post were timeless here is who I am since then...they make them, I join them...


Monday, July 11, 2011

Don't let your website resize my browser window

This pretty much sums up my thoughts on this subject.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Breaking Bad

"When you have children, you will always have family. They will always be your priority, your responsibility. And a man…a man provides. And he does it even when he is not appreciated – or respected…or even loved. He simply bears up and he does it…because he’s a man."

- Breaking Bad, Gus to Walt

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers, be good to your daughters too

On behalf of every man
Looking out for every girl
You are the god and the weight of her world 

I'm not sure what I was searching for when I stumbled upon this. I think this sums up my daughters interests. One attends University of Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and one dances ballet with San Diego Ballet Academy. It is great to support their passions, but more importantly it is a blessing to see what kind of people they are becoming. I'm a lucky man.