Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Notes from the Road

Vegas to Reno, Reno to Vegas, I've been driving this road my entire life. My first Vegas road trip was in high school for the State Tennis Championships. I didn't win, but I did get a glimpse into my future.

This summer I drove solo to Lake Tahoe. I finished a book on tape while traveling north, but on the trip home, I listened to my God Journey podcasts and took notes.

While trying to find my desk at the bottom of the stacks the paper I have accumulated I almost tossed my notes page out. Now, it's hard to take notes while driving 70 miles per hour, but I didn't want to loose them.

- Fear and insecurity cause you to clutch
- Castles in the Dirt
- We all want mercy for me and our friends, but what about(insert your own)
- Don't let (insert situation, institution) define who you are
- Live in the gifts of God, not the needs of Gregg
- When you get sifted like wheat, Gregg gets to end of Gregg
- The personal management of your soul seems daunting, when you first leave institutionalized religion
- Sin is when you think the world revolves around you
- "You know you've created God in your own image, when He hates all the same people you do." Anne Lamontt

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